Frequently Asked Questions

You can easily click the buttons down below if you have any questions. Let's see if we can solve them!

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Can I cancel my order?

Yes! But only if I haven't mailed it yet. If you need to cancel your order make sure to contact me as soon as you can so that I can refund it.

Can I return or exchange the products?

I don't accept returns or exchanges. If you have any issue with your order make sure to contact me and I will be extremely happy to help you :)

What kind of packaging do you use?

I use rigid mailers and boxes made of cardboard so that your goodies don't bend. If your order arrives damaged, I recommend taking some pics and sending them to me at so that we can solve this issue.


Do you ship worlwide?

Yes! I ship internationally. The only exception is The United Kingdom. Friends from the UK can get their goodies from my Etsy store.

When will you ship my order?

I try my best to mail all your orders in no more than 7 working days :)

Will I get a tracking code?

You can choose between untracked or tracked shipping at checkout for flat items (this items are the ones that can be mailed inside an envelope like stickers or prints).

Products which need a box to be mailed will always include a tracking code. That includes washi tapes, keychains and more. It's a way to make sure that your goodies arrive safely to you :D

How long will it take for my goodies to arrive?

I ship all your goodies from Spain using the local post office service. The delivery can vary depending on the country where you live. These are some general estimated arrival times:

- Spain: 3-10 working days

- Europe: 2-3 weeks

- International: 4-8 weeks

Keep in mind that orders that include a tracking code travel a little bit faster. I recommend choosing that option for a safer and faster delivery at checkout :)

If you don't receive your package during the estimated times please make sure to contact me!


Will I need to pay taxes when I receive the package?

International orders may need to pay extra taxes or fees depending on the country where you live. Unfortunately, this is something I can't control. I recommend contacting your customs office if you have any question about it.


Where can I contact you?

You can fill up this contact form or send a mail to

I check my emails every working day so I will get back to you as soon as I can :D